Nama   : Hertyn Frianka
NPM   : 13210279
Kalimat conditional disebut juga dengan kalimat pengandaian. Conditional sentence terdiri dari 2 bagian yaitu: subordinate clause dan main clause. Subordinate clause (if+clause) merupakan pernyataan syarat atau kondisi. Sedangkan main clause pada conditional sentence adalah pernyataan akibat terpenuhinya (+) atau tidak terpenuhinya (-) persyaratan yang ada pada subordinate clause atau kondisi yang ada pada subordinate clause. Conditional 1, 2, dan 3.
1.      Conditional tipe 1
Conditional sentence type 1 ini bermakna future karena akibat (main clause) berbentuk future dan subordinate clause berbentuk simple present tense.  kejadian yang ada pada main clause yang berbentuk future tersebut akan terjadi bila persyaratan yang ada pada subordinate clause (if…) terpenuhi. Kita tidak mengetahui secara pasti apakah kalimat pada main clause akan benar-benar terjadi di masa yang akan datang (future), akan tetapi kondisi yang ada pada subordinate clause sangat rasional dan realistis jadi kemungkinan besar akan terjadi. 

Type 1
Simple present
If you work hard,
Simple present
you succeed.
Simple future
you will succeed.
True in the present or possible in future
It’s possible to happen in the future

If +simple present tense, Simple future tense
Simple future tense + if + simple present tense

Contoh kalimat :
1.      If I find her address, I’ll send her an invitation.
2.      If she comes to my home, I’ll play dolls with her.
3.      If my father comes to my graduation day, I’ll take a photo with him.
4.      If my daughter wins this audition, she’ll dance in front of us.
5.      If John has the money, he will buy a Ferrari.
6.      If I pass this exam, I’ll make my parent proud.
7.      If it’s rain today, I’ll stay at home.
8.      If he wins this competition, his parent will buy him a car.
9.      If she becomes a president, she will make this country better.
10.  If I get a work, I’ll get my first salary.

2.      Conditional tipe 2.
Kalimat ini menyatakan peristiwa yang diharapkan terjadi sekarang tetapi tidak terjadi. Dalam tipe ini pada kalimat pertama menggunakan kata kerja bentuk kedua setalah subjek dan IF. Tetapi jika kuta tidak menggunakan kata kerja kedua setelah sunjek maka harus menggunakan kata bantu ‘were’, sedangkan pada kalimat kedua terdapat subjek, kata bantu ‘would’ dan menggunakan kata kerja bentuk pertama.
Rumus/formula :
Type 2
Simple past
If you worked hard,
Past continuous
If it were not raining now,
would + simple form
you would succeed.
would be + present participle
would be going out for a walk.
Untrue in the present
 You don’t work hard, so you don’t succeed
Fact:It’s raining now, so I’m not going out for a walk.

Contoh kalimat :
1.     If we didn’t live in a big city, we would not have to breathe polluted air everyday.
2.     If he were here, I would tell him about my plan.
3.     If I were you, I would give her money to help her.
4.     If you studied hard, you would get first rank in your class.
5.     If my mother were a model, she would famous in this city.
6.     If my father were a president, he would make this city free from corruption.
7.     If I were a captain, I would make this team win a competition.
8.     If it were shiny day, I would be going to mall with some friends.
9.     If my boyfriend were here, I would like to make him a cake.
10. If I were a manager, I would make this company succeed.

3.      Conditional tipe 3
Kalimat ini menyatakan peristiwa yang diharapkan terjadi di waktu lampau, tetapi tidak terjadi. Dalam tipe ini menggunakan kata bantu ‘had’ dan kata kerja bentuk ketiga setelah subjek dan ‘if’ pada kalimat pertama, sedangkan pada kalimat keduanya menggunakan kata bantu ;would have’ dan kata kerja bentuk ketiga setelah subjek.

Type 3
Past perfect
If you had worked hard,
Past perfect continuous
If it had not been raining yesterday afternoon,
would have + past participle
you would have succeeded.
would have been + present participle
would have been going out for a walk.
Untrue in the past
 You didn’t work hard, so you didn’t succeed.
Fact: It was raining yesterday afternoon. I was not going out for a walk.

Contoh kalimat :
1.     If you had come to the party last night, you would have met my cousin.
2.     If he had not been late this morning, his teacher would not have punished him.
3.     If she had not been coming yesterday, I would have been cooking this cook.
4.     If you had remembered to invite me, I would have attended your party.
5.     If I had given the interviewer really good answer, I might have got a higher position than you.
6.     If the waitress had been careful, she would not have broken my plates.
7.     If he had asked you for forgiveness, would you have forgiven him?
8.     If my mother had chided, I would have become player football.
9.     If my brother had not hurt, he would have become Sriwijaya fc player.
10.  If you had come to my housem you would have met me.


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